November 27, 2006

my first day at work.

Me: Hi, good afternoon.
Indian Guy: Halo.
Me: Is there anything i could help yew with?
Indian Guy: *points to mp3 players* Wat dees? <-- Yes.. exactly like Walter.
Me: These are our mp3 players sir.
Indian Guy: ipod?
Me: no no.. Sony Walkman mp3 players. The ipod is under Apple.
Indian Guy: *points to mp3 players again* WAT DEES?
Me: Mp3 players. Music players.
Indian Guy: So its ipod?
Me: ... Noo.. These have better sound quality than the ipod. Would yew like to try them ?
Indian Guy: Ook ok.. But im not sure i wan to buy. Is that ok?
Me: Sure.

5 mins later..

Indian Guy: Erm.. My job is property. So i need good camera.. but music is aso important in my life. How ?
Me: No problem! The Sony Ericsson phones have basically the same music players as the other ones here, and has a camera with it together.
Indian Guy: Can i try? But im not sure i wan to buy.
Me: Yeah not a problem.
Indian Guy: Ok do yew have a card?
Me: *gives store namecard* Here.. this is our office's number and our manager's number.
Indian Guy: What about YOUR number? Can yew give me YOUR number?
Me: Errr... Why dont yew call the shop?
Indian Guy: Becos, if theres anything i'll kam and gif yew a call. So can i have YOUR number?
Me: Wtf. Ah okay.. *012..*
Indian Guy: Okeh. Yew wanna go for a drink?
Me: @_@ I'm sorry sir but i'm on working hours..
Indian Guy: Yew sure? Okeh then. Thank yew. Bai bai!
Me: ... bye.

So basically that was my hardest customer of the day. Bloody ipods. AND HE ASKED ME OUT FOR A DRINK?! Machaaa... whos gonna stand in and greet the customers la..


1. Mp3 players. Ranging from RM299 (512mb) - RM1299 (20GB) Different models, all looking very nice. Various colours.
2. Cameras. Cybershot T series. YEAS THE T50 THAT JAMES BOND USES. DAM NICE WHEY. Touch screen LCD, double antiblur function. RM1699.
3. Stock clearance items. Currently 19" LCD monitor, RM799 and a few models of VAIO Laptops. Stock clearance items can say quite cheap lah, and very worth the price.

Handphones.. bleh, no trade-ins. Go back to sungei wang LOL.

Oh well.. I'll be working tomorrow from 10-6.30 so if any of yew go to times square then drop by at Sony and say hi lah =)

And happy birthday Vivian, nice of yew to drop by today. Its okay yew dont have to thank me for the free Sony OXYGEN wuahahaha~~


Anonymous said...

LoLz, gay Indian dude trying to pikat you wei!!

Wattudu, you too hensem dy.

chr_ said...

lol.. its cos my customer service good marrr~~~~ with all the customers also very ngam talk wan.. they got intention to buy, bump into me.. 90% buy d wan XD