March 09, 2007

Spring Cleaning.

Yeap, i cleaned up my wardrobe.

Before i started it was like some big pile of clothes that people have tried on and dumped it in after trying. I admit it lol i'm dam dam dam lazy to put my clothes properly in my cupboard. Basically i just chuck the whole stack in without any sorting at all. If it gets unfolded, i dont care.

But i got me a new jacket today wad da heck lol. I opened my cupboard and i see no place to hang this jacket so i decided to be a lil hardworking and pull out ALL the clothes from my cupboard, sort them out, fold and put them back in. Its now soooo neat and organized i dont even recognize my own wardrobe anymore. I EVEN ARRANGED THE CLOTHES BY COLOUR! Its gotta be like some coded designer wardrobe now =D

Look at the colours for the top and bottom pic man! Makes my life happy =D

Windbreakers, sweatshirts, jackets, hoodies, winter jackets, jackets for every occassion :D

I sorted out all the clothes that i dont wear anymore plus clothes that i'd never wear. Frankly, most of these "i'll never wear" ones are given by relatives =P They just dont get it LOL. I'd never wear a white shirt with red sleeves and a big badass looking skull in the middle. WHY do this to me?! Some of these clothes i dont know why i bought them in the first place. I found 2 pairs of jeans with their tags still there and a few shirts which i wore ONCE and never wore them again. Don't ask me why i got them lol. I dont knoe either =\

Well, i'm still glad i cleared my wardrobe. I'm gonna go pack the old/new clothes i dont wear and give them to an orphanage =)



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