November 03, 2006

home alone.

its paaaaaaaarrrttaaaayyyy time babeh!

Yeah, i'll be home alone till sunday =\ Whole family's going to Malacca for my dad's company family day. So what am i gonna do? Well study of course :( Exams are starting next tuesday, and i've hardly studied anything. Maybe i'll go down to raintree this saturday, or if anyone wants to hang out, drop me a msg! I'll make time even if it costs me my grades.

Dear God, if you're reading my blog, please let me pass all my subjects this sem :( i know i dont deserve good results but just please please please let me pass all of them. I promise i'll work abit harder next sem, i'll try not to skip church anymore T.T And please make yeeyen forgive me for posting that pic on top :D
OH YA! How could i forgetttt. Happy birthday Pei Lu! Although i dont know u that well, i'll always remember saving u from the LRT door! Have fun in australia!

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