November 19, 2006

Hou Sek! Hou sek! Hou Hou Sek! - ep.3

Leng cai leng lui sekalian, today i bring yew to wan of the biggerst shopping compleks in KL, if not the biggerst.. Mid Valley Megamall!

LA MANILA CAFE, Eat, Spend and be Merry!

I duno about the other food there la, i just like their KARI MEE (RM10.90)!

I usually order hor fun(kuey teow) only but then its up to yew ppl mia preference la. First of all, their kari manyak thick! I personally dun like those watery watery mia kari. Like drink sup lidat wan =.=" Good oso cos i know yew all veh messy wan eat noodle. Slurp slurp 2 spoon full then shirt oso got chance to taste the kari ledi.

Next, that bowl of noodles alot of "liew" or sam people call it the "treasures". Got 2 prawns, few pisses of fried fu chuk, some weird looking thing made of fish meat/crab meat but taste quite nice, 3-5 pisses of tau fu pok (which i dun eat wan), and some si ham (which i dun eat oso). The noodles they give also alot wan. COMFERM give yew stomach feeling happy. Maybe after makan ledi then stomach also can dance like happy feet. But that wan i think yew hafta ask Adrian to do personal demo la.

Finally, it looks nice, smells nice, tastes even better lah. Dunwan blif me? Yew take the escalator/lift/stairs to the top floor (cinema that floor ah), then u head towards centre court, La Manila quite near there ledi. I say nice means nice so u knot say not nice then kam back here say i talk 3 talk 4 ah.

For other stuff that might be nice there, maybe u can try the thai style chicken la. Adrian go there 2 times order 2 times ledi.




Princess :) said...

cyberjaya kopitiam's curry mee lagi best >: (

chr_ said...

bring me go eat lar :D got nice food must exchen exchen wan ma

Princess :) said...

u ppl come cyberjaya la den ask rong drive us there =D

p/s: the restaurant next to de kopitiam got sexy waiter >: )

chr_ said...

waiter i care wat.. waitress then ok la XD

Princess :) said...

who noes de waiter sexy until u care liao leh >: D