November 20, 2006

Hou Sek! Hou Sek! Hou Hou Sek! - Ep.4

Chris: Go straight till yew see a mosque la then turn left.
Chris: Go nia la 8km what..
Hoe&Bubu: .... siong che..

The journey here is dark, scary and the roads are very pusing pusing. But once yew reach up there ledi dam happy wan. Where am i talking about?

ITS LITTLE GENTING (SIU WAN TENG,小云顶) @ Taman Bukit Permai

Look Out Point Restaurant & Cafe

The cafe's atmosphere is nice, open air system. No need aircond wan. After yew makan ledi, yew can take a walk further up the stairs near the parking lot. On top there got a look-out stand veh tall wan. Watch the video below then yew will know.

The road up to the lookout point

View from our table

Hungry ledi?

Here's what we ate..

Chicken Marylamb

BBQ Sissiling Chicken

Black Pepper Sissiling Chicken

Seafood Fried Rice

The food here is good, many many above average. Pricing is not cheap, not expensive.

Yew wanna know how to go? Then watch this video. I recorded the whole journey there. But yew watch this then comferm buay song me ledi..

K la k la i draw map for yew. Still not sure wan then ask me later la i expren to yew again. I aso pro ledi cos yesterday we took the wrong way and ended up taking one big round. Trust me la, all the way there yew will feel like yew took the wrong road ledi. Everything on the way there looks the same wan.

So if yew wan to go, i rekomen yew to call the manager and ask if there got alot people anot. Cos sam times got alot tourist go up there aso.

Look Out Point Restaurant & Cafe
Mr. Fendi (Manager) - 017-353 5210

Rating: 9.5/10 lah!

HALAL! Tapi aku tak jamin. Tapi aku tak nampak ader babi kat menu. Tapi aku nampak ader jugak orang Melayu makan kat saner. Jadi aku rasa halal lah.

Remember to bring your sweaters ah!

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