November 19, 2006

SBS Form 4 2003 / Form 5 2004 Gathering!

Hello my feilow fellow SBS [Sekolah Sri Bintang Selatan] friends, and non-sbs friends who are still reading this link despite knowing it has nothing to do with them whatsoever. First and foremost, i thank yew all for coming here and sacrificing 5 minutes of your precious time reading 30 seconds of introduction rubbish, 2 minutes of main content, 1 minute to think how to respond and 1 minute (+30 seconds for slow typers) to convey that response in the commentsbox/chatbox provided on this page.

Aaahhh okay, the main purpose of this is to propose a gathering for allllllllllll of us no matter which puak yew were from last time as long as u're from the same year as me and yew'd like to see everywan back together just as much as i do. From the current feedback that i've got, i think most of yew would gladly welkam this gathering and make yurself available for that wan single day.

But first of all, since i dont have all of your contacks, i wan to ask a favour of all those reading here to forward this page and call his/her own puak to kam and give feedback here as well.

So to start off, we will need a place, preferbaly with food, nice food please. I'm allergic to bad tasting food. The place will most probably has to have no restrictions on noise levels cos yew all sure popekpopekpopek till the roof oso break. Cos if not for makan then i derno what everyone else can do unless we all go to a theme park :D But we will still haf to eat wan right?

Next, we will need a date. I am free ANYTIME for the next 3 months cos i am on holiday but we have to make do for everyone cos not everyone so lucky like me got long long holiday. So i guess it will have to be on a weekend.

And last but not least, we will need people. PEOPLE TO KAM FOR THIS GATHERING IF NOT WATS THE PURPOSE OF PLANNING AND EVERYWAN DISSAPEAR IN THE END? So to those who are reading this, please spread on to all the SBS people yew know of our year!

Leave your suggestions in the comments box below, and i will kam back next day and make a poll based on yew all mia suggestions. Check back often for latest information!

All decisions will be based on majority cos Malaysia is a democratick country.
**Terms and conditions applied.

So please please please leave some feedback in the comments section below, and yew can add me on MSN MESSENGER/email me at

Vote for your favourite place and date for this gathering! Time is set for dinner at night.

Polls have been closed.

Time: 7.30pm <------- OK MOU ?
Date: 9th Dec 2007, Saturday
Place: Quan's Ice Cream, Pandan Indah.

For information on how to get there, please contact me at


2. Yew wan bring BF/GF/PF/LF oso can.. if nobody sensitive to loving loving issue.
3. This proposal is valid from now till christmas only. Here that is. If samwan were to kam up with another plan then yew wont find new information here ledi.
4. Nobody will be liable for injuries, deaths, or any outcomes from this gathering.
5. THIS GATHERING IS NOT FOR YEW TO KAM AND FIND BABY-MAKING PARTNERS. In anoder few years time den i duno la.
6. Food must be halal.


chr_ said...

How to leave comments:
1. Blogger users: sign in with ur blogger account and leave a comment here.
2. Non-blogger users: Choose the "other" identity tab, fill in ur name and a contack then leave your comment.

Hello welkam welkam. Please leave yur suggestions on date/time/place here and ask our other flens to do so as well. So since i just posted this, i'll make the first suggestion.

Date: 9th/16th December (both saturdays)
Time: Dinner

chr_ said...

19 Nov 06, 19:49
ivyman: hmmm... if dec ar... any day also can gua.. coz me free EVERYDAY after 6th of dec

Anonymous said...


Friday nights. Come on.

CyRu5 said...

kesian nye... no one choi u wan like... hahahahaha... after stpm la dude...

Anonymous said...

TGIF!? u beli rich ah? u treat then no problem la.. hahaha
i vote for da bin lou(steamboat) got halal punya around sunway..
will be free afta 20th of dec

chr_ said...

alot ppl know about it ledi geh.. slowly lar, today only posted wan ma~~

chr_ said...

anyway, g-mun is back in KL and he msged me this afternoon. He'll be here till around mid december then he's going to canada. So he said he's ok with everything as long as he's around :)

chr_ said...

OH YAR, I have a new suggestion. We all can go to SIU WAN TENG! (Little Genting @ tmn bukit permai) I just came back from there just now and i think the place is good for a gathering as well. But then everywan must know how to go there lor..

Princess :) said...

december like so late :< make it earlier lor.. cant wait to c u ppl :D

nolar actually i'm scared later might hv lotsa work.. so.. de earlier de bettah :D

date : as long as its saturday :)
time : anything :D
place : some nice nice cozy cozy pretty pretty with yellow light place where we can make lotsa noise :D

i misshh u ppl leeeeeerr!!

Anonymous said...

book ballroom lo like tat hahaha
got yellow light.. can make disco inside and unlimited food supplies~

chr_ said...

km u rich ledi? just now say me rich, now who fat tat jor? u strike magnum 4D ah =.=

Anonymous said...

i think if we share hotel punya ballroom is cheaper than TGIF HAHAHA :P

Anonymous said...

i m helping chee kian d lazy bugger to leave a comment....

"klcc burger king... enuff big... water unlimited.."

dat's all he said in msn..

Anonymous said...

响klcc burger king聚会啦,坐低倾计聚旧就好啦,饮汽水又无限可以博命加返水,便宜又容易去。

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


chr_ said...

wth spammers. hambuger adult also got =.=

Anonymous said...


chr_ said...

So at the moment, people who have responded and most probably be going is (with the assumption that ppl who have replied here will be going):

Me, Chris Leow, G-Mun, Chiwei, Kingsley, Loy Yang, Kian Ming, Qiu Rong, Ooi Shin, Ivy and Chee Kean.

Edmund says his decision is based on the number of ppl that will be kambing, and i hope he calls Ern Li along. Im gunna call Jeff and Loke and I havent heard from Bazilah's side, asked her to notify Nadilah and the rest. And i guess if G-mun is going then Ken,Tik Han,Liew and Choon will be kambing as well. I'll get Poobalan and Keeshore too :))

So at the moment there's 25 ppl now! I think most of them wouldnt have a problem kambing wan la..

Anonymous said...

i edi called ern li, choon n liew to read d post.. i try 2 call james, tam n deb also gua.. mayb loke n jeff also?? got limit as to how many ppl or not?? or else, i keep calling ppl wan ar..

by the way, stpm will finish somewhere around 7th dec, i think.. so, tik han buzzy tam they all will be free if d gathering held after dat... hehehehehe

chr_ said...

no limit la :D call call call! wuahahaha! ask them kam and suggest places also.. at the moment my preference is little genting but its up to everyone :)

Anonymous said...

i remember today noon got many HK ppl talking at here geh come no more ad?

chr_ said...

i delete jor lu hahaahha... kakacaucau =.=

beddi said...

i'm in... i guess.
anytime, preferably not late december.
make it after the stpm exams.

chr_ said...

when does stpm end anyway? we'll make it on the first half of dec la if its ok with everyone~~ decide on a place and day?

I'd go for little genting at taman bukit permai.

Anonymous said...

hmm... any day after 6th of dec is fine wif me..

place ar.. anywhere la.. hahahaha.. i m "flexible" provided i can find transport..

Anonymous said...

wan do at saturday night?sure many ppl dun wanna go...chris leow,choon and fong seng they guy sure lapor diri at time layan us...they guy no cc no life...

Anonymous said...

Do it on 8th, Friday night. Anyone to agree with me?

chr_ said...

cheekean: they sure bei min gehhh..

king: i'd be ok with anything. i just gotta get a day off from work for that day.

i've set up the polls, so everyone go place ur votes !

Anonymous said...

i agree kingsley ...but someone come to fetch car got problem..sometime cant start...worry suddelly cant start then cant back home

Princess :) said...

how come so many ppl vote Tmn Bukit Permai!!?!?

i tak puas >: (

zunno how to go there weh =<

Anonymous said...

Here who got car arr? :P

eyries said...

errr... = =" It's more convienient if it's on a saturday for me. I have Friday classes, then I need to grab a bus back to KL. Hmm... But Chris come be my ah mat can? I dun have car in KL.

chr_ said...

can can. i confirm will be fetching cw ledi wan. i guess i could fetch another 2 kua..

AND WHY SO MANY BURGER KING VOTES!?!? there manyak susah la if we got like 20+ ppl..

Anonymous said...

we go cheras FX dance club...yesterday i go damn a lot dancer very sex and pretty...they are nice!got one dancer kiss me and use ass to touch my xxx...lets do gathering at there...

chr_ said...


eh btw, who here cant make it on friday? and who cant make it on saturday ?

Anonymous said...

saturday night better...friday worry a bit busy...

Anonymous said...

if wanna do at noon then go burger king lo...
if do at night then go bukit permai lo...
but night sure a lot ppl cant go also,no car...
noon got bus and lrt...

Anonymous said...

ask someone to fetch lo or tumpang car lo..
i cant go at class ler
make it on saturday night la pls pls pls

Anonymous said...

who is km eh??? anyway, me no transport!!! anybody willing to fetch me eh??

chr_ said...

yeah.. alot ppl also asking for saturday night. but how come the polls got more friday night vote geh =.=

i can fetch a few lor.. eolanda, ivy and chiwei most prob with me ledi. 1-2 more can kua..

km i heard that rong also will be driving to wherever we're going so i think transport isnt a prob.

cheekean can get choon and liew to confirm? and if u still got contact omega then call him also :D

chr_ said...

oh btw, time is set to night right..? daytime i also cannot. working :D

so i guess that means burger king is out ? XD

Anonymous said...

haih...i have no money to use liao in next month...finish ad...who can borrow me money?

Anonymous said...

i dont have problem with transport coz i can drive oso.. but i got problem with the time.. my holiday oni start from 12 dec onward... if wanna make it b4 12 dec better make it on saturday ler...

ivy is chong see man rite? so fast forgot me ad? km = kian ming la..

Princess :) said...

"yeah.. alot ppl also asking for saturday night. but how come the polls got more friday night vote geh =.="

mayb its bcoz i keep voting for friday nite =P
well coz i'm imagining if in d end we're goin to tgif.. and its on friday... wahh like secocok oni.. like super got mood mar =3 so yeah lor like dat lorr..

but den if everyone can make it on saturday night ... okay oshou =D

km!! mind if i tumpang u??? =D =D =D

Anonymous said...

hohohoh... never tot is kian ming ma.. i tot who tim.. of course haven forget le..

ur surname is lee mah.. hehehehe..

u also not bad.. still can remember my full name.. lolz..

Anonymous said...

hohoh... i can tumpang shin geh.. so near oni.. i can ferch those around my area oso

Anonymous said...

choon said wan see ur all tentu do at where first...
saturday night do at bukit permai?

kingsley...when we go have a drink again?haha...

chr_ said...

king u cant make it on saturdays?

i asked jeff ledi. he said saturday night no prob.

km set la pandan area need transport u fetch, midah need then i fetch la ~~ XD

Anonymous said...

can i know agak agak how many guy and girl go?

eyries said...

swt... guy girl also wan know how many.

meme! i vote for saturday night~! =D i have class on friday. rush back frm melaka summore. sei for.

is nadhille coming?
tasya? eelyn the all?

Anonymous said...

hey...i got one female friend wanna follow...can mah?

Anonymous said...

chee kean ar...

if u admit dat female fren is ur girlfriend, den lei mai bring her along lor..


chr_ said...

eolanda: i told buzzy a few days back, asked her to get the rest but i havent heard from her since then. so i dont know :)


Anonymous said...

the girl not my gf wor...friend only..can mah?i wish ur all say cannot...after she see ur all say cannot then she cant follow...hahahaha!

i dun wanna go burger king and bukit permai...i wan go other also not bad mah..

Anonymous said...

eh chee kean.. bring lah bring lah i wanna meet her waahahaha =P
eh.. y dont we go for tgif? i dont want bukit permai n burger king lah! everyone faster vote for TGIF!

Anonymous said...

i think tgif also not bad geh.. hahahahaha... but i edi vote for siu wan teng bor.. later d votes getting more.. n ppl turned up only a few ppl.. wakakakakakakaa

Anonymous said...

not pretty geh...very fat geh...face got many biji biji geh...later ur all muntah only...
actually tgif at where?dun laught me...i really dun know...
go cafe yam cha enuf la...y ur all plan like wanna do marry party?

Princess :) said...

tgif is nice =)


which cafe u suggest woh chee kean :/

Anonymous said...

haih...suka hati ur all la...i maybe cant go liao..good luck lah all of u...

Anonymous said...

i know who i know who hohoho

chr_ said...

ok its my turn to post XD

i duno who spam burger king votes, but 1 things for sure, its not gonna work. cos burger king wont be open after 10 if im not mistaken.

and im closing the polls now.
so from what i see,

Place: Little genting / tgif
date: 8th dec, friday / 9th dec, saturday

My opinion on both, Place.. siu wan teng: nice view, nice weather, average pricing.
Tgif: Nice food, large serving, but NOT cheap. I reckon about rm30-50 per person. Its gonna be in town, not many ppl know how to get there, saturday night traffic.

8th dec, Friday: only 1 problem. at least half of the ppl here cant make it.
9th dec, saturday: I DONT WORK ON SATURDAYS :)

So place is up to u all, i have no objections :P
I think it would most probably be on saturday so if anyone CANNOT MAKE IT ON SATURDAY, please reply here.
Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Make it Sabtuday night then :)

chr_ said...

ok man, so saturday it shall be.


Anonymous said...

many ppl dunno how to go siu wan teng oso werrr

Anonymous said...

tgif sure only ur ppl go...fong seng and we all here dun wanna much money...
bukit permai we all also dun wan...
ur all slow slow think again what place ur all like...
dun know y ur guy so like to choose place like that...

Anonymous said...

hey kawanS...really not pretty geh...she damn fat and damn many biji biji on her face...
qiu rong...who said i lie?really damn ugly geh!not belif then sudah!

Anonymous said...

woi!how come u saw her pic before arr?i not saying my gf wor!when i said she is pretty?u mabuk arr?

chr_ said...

yala say la where u all prefer.. u dunwan say then we all decide lo =.=

but TGIF is gonna be expensive. i dont mind cos my gaji coming out soon XD

Anonymous said...

hmmm.. then we hav it on saturday night lor.. bout d place ar.. tgif expensive la.. and i edi spent my money on shopping.. hehehehe...

so, either siu wan teng or chee kean punya cafe lor.. hahahaha...

anyway, chee kean ar.. u mah fan betul la.. u said cafe in pandan indah.. do u know how "small" or not dat place?? giv a name lar!!

Anonymous said...

today chris choy said dun wan go cafe becoz food not halal wor...
haih...i have no idea money go tgif gathering wif ur all...
miss ur all but meet ur all damn expensive...

Anonymous said...

deng... then go where oh? till now still havent decide meh? 1 more week left oni wor... chee kean say wanna go cafe then faster suggest la... go find find c which cafe is cheap n halal la adui dont oni sit here and complaint lo.. ;P

chr_ said...



Anonymous said...

pandan indah all cafe not halal...

Anonymous said...

if station one is halal i no problem... i got buy 1 free 1 coupon~!!

Anonymous said...

hmmm.. chee kean.. i think station one not too expensive de.. u can afford wan de la.. i almost broke also can go wan.. hehehehe...

Anonymous said...

ok...saturdat night 7.30pm at first station cafe(pandan indah) or behind first station geh old ship cafe...

Anonymous said...

near the hk restaurant we went last time...

Anonymous said...

wei, now wan old ship cafe or first cafe??? i think i tried old ship once.. d food ok gua.. anyway, are we gonna hav dinner together eh??

Anonymous said...

pandan indah all cafe saturday night after 8pm sure full we go early...

Anonymous said...

can try to call them and book lo... since we got so many ppl

Anonymous said...

saturday night mana boleh book geh...they also worry we dun have go and waste they table...becoz saturday night there cafe sure crazy many ppl...

Anonymous said...

Halal cafe in Pandan Indah, only 2 choices:

A) Oldtown Kopitiam
B) Quan's Ice Cream

I'd recommend choice B :

P/S: And it's not too noisy there.

Anonymous said...

where is quan's ice cream?

Princess :) said...

Quan's Ice cream sounds cute =D

btw do they serve only ice cream there????

Anonymous said...

many leng lui there mah?hehe

chr_ said...

so have we decided on the place yet =.=?

its gonna be a cafe in pandan indah is it?

Anonymous said...

where is quan ice cream?

Anonymous said...

hopefully they dun serve only ice-creams n their food not expensive or else our chee kean going to complain again..

kingsley ar, even if not too noisy... our crowd definitely gonna make some noise rite??? hehehehhe

and i really wan it to be dinner thingy lor... plus some chit chatting lar!!

Anonymous said...

ivy...what time u go?
7 or 8? tak sabar wanna see u..hahaha...

beddi said...

they serve proper meals instead of ice creams too

Anonymous said...

debb, betul kah???? but where is dat place wor??? like neva heard before geh....

chee kean, lu still daring say tak sabar see me??? i think u more tak sabar see leng lui there got lah...

Anonymous said...

my lovely ivy cheong see man,
i dun like see leng lui liao la...leng lui all sikap pelik pelik...takut adi...

chr_ said...

OK SO SET AR. THAT ICE CREAM SHOP AR. someone tell me how to go 1st XD

Time 7.30 la hou mou? i after gym come =)

Anonymous said...

i dun know how to go la tai ko...who can teach road?

Anonymous said...

i m fine wif 7.30 pm... but chris, remember pick me up !??!??!?

Anonymous said...

around what shop there?fajar?pandan kapitar?many field in pandan indah....
tell me near what famous shop or building...

Anonymous said...

okok.. i also dunno whoi need to fetch XD

Anonymous said...

maybe i dun have car that night...who wan fetch me?

Anonymous said...

i maybe go at 8pm...if dun have car then no go lo...

beddi said...

ya ya, near fajar and the mosque. i don't really know that area. went there once and i wasn't the one driving ;)

Anonymous said...

quite a few of them cannot come leh..
tam, kiat hwa, loke kenot. jeff say maybe. tik han also maybe. gmun ask for directions.

sigh.. work took up 90% of my time so i didnt have time to call everyone :(

beddi said...

how depressing.... haha